Community Giving

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Send 123
Community Giving Program

Send 123 is committed to bettering our community with a variety of initiatives. Send 123 Community Giving Program falls into 3 categories:

Partnerships with Care Providers

Send 123 has partnered with several Front-line care providers during the pandemic.The goal is to provide support and safety for medical practitioners and front-line workers. 

We assist these organizations by taking an active role and helping them continue their respective missions thanks to sustainable revenue.

Canadian Chiropractic Association
CCA Mission: As a visionary organization, the CCA is the leading advocate for the muscular, skeletal, and nervous system health of all Canadians. We promote high quality research, excellence, integrity, and innovation in chiropractic care that upholds the public trust.
United States Swim School Association
USSA Mission: The United States Swim School Association believes in the importance of life-long water safety, equipping individuals of all ages with the necessary skills and knowledge to thrive in aquatic environments.
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Partnerships with Care Providers

Since we started with the partnership with care providers, here the amounts of PPE distributed through or Partner Programs:

Face Masks

Nitrile Gloves

Rapid test kits

Face Shields

Charity Donations

Apart from assisting healthcare professionals in obtaining challenging-to-source PPE during the pandemic, Send 123 also identified deserving charitable organizations in need of PPE, cleaning supplies, and essential items to sustain their community outreach programs. Here are examples of a few recent outcomes from Send 123 charity program.

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Charity Organizations

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Volunteering in the Community.

Every year, we conduct a survey among our staff to document their individual volunteering efforts. We promote a culture where everyone is urged to dedicate 2-4 hours per month to volunteer during company paid hours. We take pride in recognizing and promoting the personal accomplishments of each employee, and we annually seek input for team volunteering initiatives. As a company, we are dedicated and actively involved in the B Corp community, regularly contributing our time to various events. We also encourage each employee to identify a personal charity they wish to support.

If you have an inspiring charitable initiative and interested in forming a partnership with, Send 123, kindly get in touch with us

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